Self-Care Around the Clock

Self-Care Around the Clock - Three Ships

Hi beauties!

I hope you are all staying safe at home. As we enter Week 4 of Quarantine, we've accepted that this uncertain time is our new norm. Adjusting our calendars from working in the office to setting up shop at home hasn't been the smoothest transition - and that's completely okay.

After sitting with the team to discuss what working habits spark both productivity and creativity without much of a change of scenery, we found that breaking up the day with regular doses of self-care made all the difference. So this we're sharing with you: an hourly dose of self-care.


Mindfully make a cup of coffee or tea, and crack open a journal to write down 3 things you're grateful for.

10:00AM - 12:00PM

Trade that coffee in for a tall glass of water - it's important to stay hydrated during your work day. Take the morning to hammer out your important tasks!


Lunch time! Time to unplug and make yourself some grub. Use this time to stay away from screens - you can even take a walk for a mid-day breather.

self-care during covid-19

1:00 - 4:00PM

Incorporate some positivity or groove into your afternoon, and tune into a playlist or podcast. We're feeling nostalgic with some 00 throwbacks.


Almost at the finish line! Feeling the afternoon slump? Get up and do a quick 5 minute full body stretch.

5:00 - 6:00PM

Time to call it a day. This is actually the most important step! It's so easy to pick up your laptop in the middle of the night to catch up on that "1 extra task" (we've all been there)! But try to refrain as your unwinding time is just as important.


Have an at-home spa night - do a DIY face mask, paint your nails, or draw a bath.

8:00PM - Bedtime

Read a few pages of a book, or turn on a guided meditation to help you relax and get ready for bed. Feel free to use your Calm Lavender Hydrosol Toner as a pillow spray to promote deeper sleep.

The goal of the list above is not to create a rigid and intense self-care routine, but more so to inspire you to take a minute when you need to, and to create. your own version of a daily self-care ritual.

What are you doing for self-care during this time? Feel free to connect with us through IG - we'd love to chat 💗

If you want to learn more about how you can upgrade your self-care routine, take a look at 6 Beauty/Wellness Trends for 2019. 

Awake Rose Hydrosol Toner

Balances Tone


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Calm Lavender Hydrosol Toner

Reduces Redness


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